Sunday 9 November 2014

Planet cray cray

Suppppp sugar pie!
So I went on a date on Friday night! A first date! I know, awkward stuff right?
But it was really good, I like the guy a lot and we went out to eat and it was cute, and the food was really good! 
He ended up paying for the bill, which I felt really uncomfortable about, because we're students and just omg money.
But after the date, he wanted to get some Krispy Kreme doughnuts, and the last time I was in Tesco I picked him up one, so we went to our closest tesco. 
Alas there were no Krispy kremes, you can imagine the look on my dates face right? The absolute look of horror. It was Halloween part 2. 
Desperately I crawl to a member of staff, a friendly looking woman with crooked teeth, and ask her "do you by any chance, sell Krispy kremes?" 

She looks at me, stunned, bewildered. Confusion draped across her face. "Krispy Kremes...?" She mutters, eyes glazed over, "yes, Krispy Kremes... I know you sell them in the big branch" I reply. Still in a wave of confusion she points to a cake, now it's my turn to look upon her mystified! "No... No, as in the doughnuts?" I reply shaking my head. My date in the background, sudden loses his cool and walks to the next aisle to begins his thunderous laughter. "Oh no, I don't know what that is, so I don't think we have that here." She replies now sullen due to embarrassment, "ah" is all I can say before I leave with a thank you thrown over my shoulder.
My date and I are then left to trek to waitrose and pick up quite a splendid carrot cake! But he was still muttering all the way home "what planet does she live on?!" 
What planet indeed.
For more humorous rants on relationships, dates and spooning, you should check out this blog here :

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