Friday 21 November 2014

Chicks before Dicks

Hey Cookie crunch;
So i've been really busy lately with my journalism course, that I completely forgot about blogging! For example yesterday Philip and I volunteered to script and take control of the assignment we were given as a class, everyone managed to go home by 5:30pm GMT, but Philip and I continued until 7:30pm GMT! That may not seem late, but we had been working since the morning, with our lecture and filming etc. we had no time to eat! We then had to run home to then plan ahead for our radio show- which by the way is on tonight LIVE at 5pm on Bucks 101.

So today I have decided I will be blogging about my best friend's previous relationship(I'll re-name her Reese), she was with this guy whom I shall name Roger.
Now this topic I'm about blog about will be quite a serious topic, and I'll say this now, this is how I saw their relationship, how it was presented to me.
So Reese was this beautiful gorgeous girl, she had thick waves of dark hair, a wide open smile that made her eyes crinkle into small little peeps of sunshine. She was vulnerable, very weak, but strong at the same time. She had been through a lot, she had a drug phase that she actually manage to get out of and made her way to getting the 2nd best grade in ALEVEL. But Reese is very easy to manipulate, she changes how she acts, what she does according to who she's with, she gives in to peer pressure.

When i first met Reese, I went up to her after a mathematics introduction, she was wearing a dress I also had at home, and she was super kawaii! I mean in a room full of math nerds, being the only 2 girls in the room I thought "Hey, she looks like my type of friend." We took selfies, I told her all about the girl I hated, and she told me about her past drugged up year. We got on extremely well. We texted throughout summer and when she had her appendix removed, you can guess that I invited myself around her house with flowers. We were now best friends, we went out to eat sushi, to shop and to generally squeal at all the cute things we could find.
It was at this point, when we got back to school that she actually started to talk to Roger, Roger was in our mathematics class. He was a friend of mine, with a big bush of blonde curls and these greeny/grey eyes. He was the nice guy next door, sweet Roger, he wouldn't hurt a fly! We thought they were super good together! They could talk to each other about maths and save me from the boredom of pretending to actually understand whilst my mind slowly melted with confusion. They looked good together, I mean they were both attractive, very slim and small. Everything was great for about a year!
That is until we got into Alevel, both Reese and Roger did amazing at AS level, but for some reason Roger started to slack on his studies whilst Reese became intense with her no lunch regime, just library and her textbooks. Usually she'd go with Luke, but I would go with her occasionally. She started to cry all the time, and I began to worry. 
I would walk into school and she'd be sitting there in the sixth form area, beaming this big smile at me, but her eyes were all red and puffy. She started to tell me everything. Roger only spent time with her when he wanted sex, he damanded sexual favours from her and if she didn't oblige, he just leave. 
He had changed her so much, long gone were her short dresses and band shirts, but now she wore pastle knee length dresses teamed with a pastle cardigan, her hair shorted by a few inches and the general tone of her makeup lightened. 
I remember being with them when she told me she wanted to dye her hair, he went crazy. Roger was all about image. 

Next up we're at this house party in this obscenely quite area but the houses are all far apart so you can't disturb the neighbours! But then you can't walk home either. We had all driven there in our little groups and were planning on splitting a taxi back, that is until total shit went down. Little Hannah and her boyfriend broke up again, and I go running after Hannah who's in floods of tears, except I run past Reese and Roger,  Reese is totally crazy drunk and Roger is shouting at her, for getting so drunk and ruining his image. She wants to go back inside with the others but Roger is demanding to leave. My friend Geoff comes out to look after Hannah with me, but my focus is on Reese crying in the background, I could hear the fear and distress and I wasn't happy. I told Geoff to look after Hannah, I wouldn't be long but Tom just came out to look after Hannah so Geoff came with me, as we near Reese and Roger, they still have no clue that we're so close, I see
Roger shove Reese into a brick wall, she slams into the wall and lands in a heap on the floor. It was horrible to see, to watch your best friend look so
Shattered. She stumbled up, and he grabs her by the arms and drags her home. I had already called my mum to pick up Hannah, so I run up to Reese and Roger and tell them my mum will give them a lift too. I didn't want her to walk back alone with him this livid.
We get to Rogers house, and Reese tells him she doesn't want to stay the night at his, in the car he acts like it's all cool, she goes into his to get her stuff, when he throws the bag with all her things in, straight at her face. She comes back into the car in floods of tears, my mum was not impressed. It was the next day all of us girls were discussing how worried we were for Reese when Hannah told us she'd seen Roger slap Reese's arm in the study area once, and she just flinched like she was used to it.
This is how their relationship continued, he was spending all his time with this girl Fiona, treating Reese like his slut. I was seething in the background, holding Reese up everytime she cried, I was on the phone to her every night, telling her tonight she shouldn't cry over him like she did the last, of course that didn't work but it helped to make her feel better about herself. The teachers even asked me to watch over her and I had to go to quick little meetings about how most of the sixth form students were holding up, our main concern being Reese. When she finally ended things, she came to mine still crying, but everything was going to be okay, I remember my dad awkwardly leaving, and returning with a tub of Häagen Dazs, saying how no guy was worth it, my dad is alright with crying teens. And it was okay, we're still best friends, we went on holiday, she met someone new, now studying in warwick university,she's doing well. Just remember guys,Bros before hoes. 

I will say this, they are both really nice people, they just...I don't even know. You see Roger would help anyone out, you could call him and he would stop what he was doing just to do you a favour. When I lost Alice, he sent me the sweetest text after I had the biggest meltdown in school, telling me how he got that no one got it, cause no one got her. We were really good friends, until my opinion of him changed after seeing Reese cry so much. He knew that she told me everything, so we started to become very wary of each other. I'm sorry Roger, I know you loved her, but it was unhealthy. And I'm glad you're both happier now. I don't want to end this saying you're a bad guy, when I  don't think you are. 

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