Sunday 30 November 2014

Its not a Hobby, its a lifestyle.

Hey Kawaii Bears,

So today I decided I shall blog about something my friends give me a lot grief over. My spending habits.
So my bank statement came in for last month recently and I realized I spent a real obscene amount of money on just about nothing really.

I go to this private university so the kids here are to say, a little different from kids at other universities. I mean I heard there used to be foreign royalty here!

I'll just say it, rip it off like a band aid Lisa! Okay, deep breath, I spent almost £2000, not including tuition. You can bet that I gasped in horror to quickly phone my parents, who then calmly told me that it was all okay, but suggested that I calm down with the shopping.

Maybe to you, £2000, is a lot or not that much, but for my first month into uni, my expenses come to £2k in a month, that kinda freaked me out! 
What was I spending it on? Was what I spending that money on really worth it? I can't even remember what I bought besides clothes and a few photo frames! 
As I scanned the letter reading off all the purchase I realised it wasn't the clothes, I had only spent around £400 on clothes, and about £500 on food. 

However looking at this one week in particular I managed to spend £500 pounds separate to all of that from above, in about 5 days. Why is this you question? I had a guest around for a couple of days, so I bought things for my room to make his stay more comfortable, I stocked up my fridge, buying finest this, finest that. But when he came, we then hit tesco/ sainsburies everyday too, which came to about £60 per day, I can't even begin to comprehend what we were buying, because when he left he told me "when you left for lectures, there was literally no food about. I was starving." But when he left I found a ton of food that had to be chucked out! We also dined in a nice fancy restaurant and I footed the bill, which I didn't mind since he was my guest. I guess I don't really mind that I spent that much money on him, because it was only once, I made an occasion of it, and it's not like I'm going to have a repeat of it again this month! 

But that leads us to £1,400, what about the other £600? That was what I took out of the ATM. So nights out, food for dinner if we ate out, and buying fresh flowers.
So here I am, admitting I'm a shopping addict. I go to the shopping mall every week, Zara and Topshop were a constant presence in my bank statement. 
I always manage to go to a coffee shop and/or starbucks at a minimum of once a week, and I seem to be going out to clubs at least 3 times a week. My friends also enjoy going out to dinners, so we'll hit up a nice restaurant.
You know that film, confessions of a shopaholic? Yeah that's my life right there. Enjoy the trailer down below:

But, this way of spending is not necessarily a good way, my parents let me get away with it now with just a slight reprimanding, but when I have a job of my own, just starting out in life, I won't be able to spend as lavishly as I do! Then what will I do? Cry in bed? 
I think if I'm perfectly honest I'd rather starve the rest of the week than give up my shopping sprees. 

So where shall I leave this on? I should say what I'm planning to do, Philip suggests a budget, but neither me or my parents think that will work out! So I guess I'll have to give something up? I know I will minus that £500 next month, but that's still £1,500 in 30 days. A whopping £50 a day, so I guess I'll minimise the food shopping, because most of it goes to waste anyway since I go out to eat a lot. 
But I'm not joking my KAWAII Bears, I have an addiction, I want to look nice and new and always in trend. Zara is a godsend, affordable and Classic. Since losing my parents to university I had to give up the designer labels until I get back home, so to me zara and Topshop, have saved my soul. 
But I guess I don't want to appear like a crazed shopping egotistic freak, so I will try and say why I shop so much. Shopping soothes my soul, whenever I'm sad or angry or even stressed, I go to malls for comfort! For example after I lost Alice, if I ever felt sad about it and told my mum, she would leave whatever she was doing and take me shopping and to get starbucks and we'd chat about it. I'd leave with a new dress or jumper and matching shoes  and few other bits and bobs and I'd feel much better, I had what I was so sad about off my chest and I had had my ego boosted. Again maths mock results back, heartbroken phone call to the parents, and off we went to go look for jewellery and math textbooks. You forget all about heartbreak and boys, 
So I suppose I always found shopping a way to comfort myself, it clears your mind, from crying over a C to "does this look good on me?" 

I suppose this make me sound extremely materialistic, but everyone has a hobby, mine is just a tad more extravagant. 

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