Thursday 20 November 2014

Christmas is near!

Hey Sparklies;
So today I wanted to blog, but I was stuck on what to blog about. I mean last time I blogged about what my best friend taught me, and before that I blogged about making an apple pie. I mean I have no real rhythm to this blog, but you see, that's just how my mind works. Its kind of all over the place, one minute i'm running around chasing Rhys, my studio manager, with a pen in my grip as I try to scribble all over his face, the next I want to talk about a rather serious matter.

But my parents decided to come over this sunday, to take me shopping, and it suddenly dawned on me.... shopping... christmas shopping! 
Christmas is almost upon us, and that means I can go buy a new christmas jumper thats even more appalling than last years, I can almost die every day of the month as everywhere you go is now cinnamon scented (allergic to cinnamon, how unfair is that God?) and finally I can spend an unholy amount of money on gifts for my friends!

If buying lovely things for myself is my favourite past time, I would say buying gifts for others is a close second! 
Yet today I was thinking of my list of people to buy gifts for when I realised my list this year is relatively small! Only 9 people are on my list! Compare this to last year where I was buying for 25, but coming to Uni, I am now socialising with students who don't want to exchange gifts! So Lisa will just get them cute Christmas choc! Philip prewarning, I'm going to fatten you up with all the candy!

My list this year also only includes 4 people from my life before University! 2 of which are my parents! 
In a way this is better, as now I can actually concentrate on what the people on my list actually want. 
For example, Joanna? Something kawaii,  for Adeneh and Zoe, something like a gift set, my father some Port and my mother a new scarf... I always get confused with boys, I know I want to get Shanghai a cute hat in navy, with a bobble, I think with his cutie cheeks he'd look super adorable! Rhys sometimes checks out my blog so I can't say what I'm getting him! But Daniel, what do I get Daniel??? I'm at a loss. Lisa does not know what to do... 
Oh well.
But I'm super excited for Christmas, for the cheesy festive tunes and the feel good movies, Elf will be watch atleast 20 times in once month and finally the food! The food will be glorious 

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