Saturday 6 December 2014


Okay Hunnybunnies
We're going back to what really matters! KPOP!!!!!
Today's topic? BAP. The current yummy scandal that has everybody screaming.
As all you fellow Kpop lovers will know, 2014 is also known as the Kpopcalypse. All our favorite groups are breaking up or facing turmoil, EXO 12 is now EXO 10, Park Bom of 2ne1 drug scandal and Sulli on Hiatus after it appears she was caught in a dating rumor, are just some of the biggest scandals at the moment.
Fan's react through MAMA awards
But the current situation mirrors Exo's scandal a tad, as we netizens all know, Kpop Idols have it rough, they get hardly any sleep, a few hours a day if they're lucky, and are completely overworked, BAP for example released a statement where they revealed:
 "Starting from March 21 of this year until June, the members traveled to Sendai, Osaka, Tokyo, the Philippines, New York, Dallas, Chicago, Los Angeles, London, Paris, Dusseldorf, Melbourne, Sydney, Taiwan, Singapore, Fukuoka, Nagoya, Chiba, and Bangkok to complete a murderous schedule. Due to their busy schedule, the members suffered mental and bodily fatigue, which was what the 'agency trust problem' referred to." 
more on BAP's statement can be found here: BAP response 
Also it is rumored that the 3 years BAP were with their management company, TS ENT, they only earned $16,000 per member, despite the fact they had done 2 world tours, released many mini-albums and had been in variety shows throughout the 3 years. However TS ENT. released their own statement which can be found here: TS ENT statement, where they reveal that the company had to make even on what the invested before the big bucks could start rolling. 
"we entered 2014, we were past the break-even point on our finances and B.A.P were on the verge of turning a profit"

However this blog post will be on my opinion of the situation, you may agree or disagree but they are my opinions, so if you don't like them, tough tits. 
As soon as the news broke that BAP were leaving the company, the fans went on a frenzy looking for reasons why they would leave. It came out that the members were in poor health and were still being forced to work with no sleep. This one post that I came across really struck me.

I'll never understand why companies overwork their artists to the point where they can no longer work, its not good for the artist or the company! Where is the common sense in that. We saw this with Kris in EXO, where he ended up with a terrible heart condition and was forced to leave EXO for his own health.
How can we do this to other human beings? To reduce a person to a shadow of what they were before. Obviously if your artist faints on stage, they cant give the service to the fans as they are supposed to, they wont be able to cope with the intense dance routines, and if they lose their voice, how are they supposed to sing for a 3 hour concert? 

But what I also hate about the kpop industry is the training period, where some artists will train for maybe 7 years, where they have to provide for themselves, but they can't get a job that pays much as they have to train everyday from morning until night. But all this training can lead to nothing! They may never make it, they can be dumped at any moment.
Life of a Kpop Trainee
Confessions of an EX YG Trainee

Confessions of an EX SM trainee
Keep in mind that there is suspicion that these trainee tales are made up.
But I can't help but feel sorry for KPOP idols. its true that once they've made it, they earn a lot of money and get free shit. but lets be real, is it all worth it? To be reduced to a shell of the person you once were, to have shit health, to not be allowed to date and have a life outside your career? To be part of a slave contract?
I know I don't think its worth it, and that's coming from a hardcore kpop fan. 

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