Thursday 4 December 2014

I'm Coming Home

Hey Snowflakes,
So today I'm going to blog about something everyone has to go through, Goodbyes.

So as the exam periods comes to an end, all the students are going home, whether that be 5 hours away in Newcastle or a whole flight away in Italy! It's strange, as you think you'll be super duper excited to go home, chill out in your house and be with friends and family.

But yesterday I was seeing my best friend, Daniel,off before he went home today, and we were saying how weird it was to suddenly pack up your room, and see how empty it was. Your whole life in just a few boxes... To go from seeing all these familiar faces everyday to not seeing them at all for 7 weeks. And what makes it more surreal is that you realize that these people, who have now become your family, you've only known them 10 weeks.

 Yet you love these people, I know I rely on my friends way too much for example, if I ever have an allergic reaction I now come to expect Daniel to be there with my tablets, soothing me to sleep and Shanghai randomly turning up 10 minutes later out of the blue, if I'm crying my eyes out Philip is just a phone call away and if I need solid, cold hard truthful advice Elysia and Rhys are literally just 5 minutes away. My neighbor Alice, is always up for a wine session and Zoe for girl nights. Its weird to think that these people will be all in different parts of the country and I can't just turn up at their door with a cup of tea and a pack of sweets.

But when your're back home, all those friends you left behind, what do you say to them? Its inevitable that we've all changed, we were never that close to start with, being apart made us realize that. Do I want to socialize myself with them? I know Dan said he was scared when he saw me eating sweets that looked like purple tablets, I know my friends do that stuff now. Do I really want to get involved in that scene? My other group I know, the group I actually love with all my being, left that all behind, so I could hang with them like I did when I visited home previously. But what do I do when my old group comes calling? It'd be good to see them, and I'm excited for it. But its scary at the same time.

But then you face the fear of when you do come back to university, will everything be the same? or will those fragile relationships you built up come crashing down? Will he be awkward, will she still want to talk to me or are her walls back up?

All in all, I'm actually really excited to be going home. I know when I see my friends, everything will go back to how it was, I'll go out with them every night on the lash, we'll go clubbing and we'll dress up and have big get together's. I know I'm making a fuss over nothing. And my Uni friends? Well I decided to stay in University until the 14th of December even though I finished my course on the 26th of November, so I could spend time with my friends here and also celebrate my birthday with them. Daniel is coming up from Newcastle on the 12th which is my actual birthday and Matt is going to try for the 11th or 12th! All my other friends are still here so I'm super excited! I know everything is going to be okay, I'll text everyone everyday and my journalism class even swapped Skype's! so we're having big group powwow Skype sessions.

But when you're driving home maybe you can listen to this music, get you in the mood for all those huggles you'll be receiving:

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