Monday 8 December 2014

No one loves Lisa more than Lisa

Hey Cutie Patooties!
So today I had such a great day! Basically it's exam period here, so all my friends have been studying non stop! But I had no exams to study for as my course is 70% coursework based, this left me alone for about 2 weeks now, looking back at it, it probably would have been wiser to go home and be with my parents for a while, rather than staying here and eating all my money. I mean my parents would have loved it, and well, I wouldn't be living off pasta and pot noodle as I am now.

But today was an especially good day for me, as my friends had one of their exams today, I know that isn't the usual reaction to an exam, but they decided that they would treat themselves by having the whole day off, which mean't LISA TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously though, before exams it was literally like "lets go out every night!" "every night is a mojito night!" Now I sit alone in my room with Netflix, watching all the marvel movies, either not microwaving the popcorn long enough so O have half a bowl of kernels or the other extreme, charcoal-ed ash like burnt flakes of what used to be buttery goodness.
But oh the joys of going out! I went shopping! Oh the splendors of shopping! First we ate in Nando's, now I don't know how strong your palette is, but I had only been into a Nando's once before, and that was for some birthday do. So I had no clue about this "spicy" thing in Nando's.
Okay, I'll give you some background, I'm half Thai, which means I was practically raised on chili's, I mean, I can handle heat! Well actually, I didn't actually know any different until I came to University.
 But my friends insisted "oh no I stick to the lemon and herb, anything above that kills me", and I mean that got me totally freaked out. So I was like, lets just stick with Medium. It claims to "hit the spot", but I have no idea what spot it hit, I mean it was mild! No heat at all. But hey, it was still good chicken. I mean, it's more like, thank fuck I actually missed meat. The two friends I mainly eat with are Philip and Zoe, I mean I more snack with Zoe on chocolate and popcorn, but I have a lot of my main meals with Phil, but they are both veggies, which means I don't eat as much meat as I used too. To me this is a good thing, before I came to university I was trying to cut down on the meat, I don't know why, but I was. I wanted to eat it about maybe once or twice a week? But my Father loves a steak and all that, so it was difficult. Now I would say none of my main meals contain any meat at all! If I'm in a restaurant then I'll have a nice steak but now when I'm cooking, or more like attempting to cook, I have to consider everyone else too (also I don't really fancy giving myself food poisoning).

But yes! Such a good day with my friends and now I feel all nurtured and LOVEDDDD!
I bought some items for my birthday outfit so I'm super excited now! I invaded my neighbours room just to float around in my dress! We share the same birthday so I was like "how do I look" again asking for love and praise hahahah! I'm so clingy!
JUST 4 MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3 FOR THE CELEBRATIONS!!!!!!!!
It's good to be here with my friends, nope actually, they're family, and the whole family is invited to celebrate MEEEEE!

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