Wednesday 25 March 2015

It's The End Of An Era

Now there are many things I could dedicate this blog post to, the end of term, the end of the current me and what not.
But no Lisa decides to dedicate this post to..... GLEE!

Don't stop believing! I am actually writing a blog post on Glee, now this may be embarrassing to admit to, but I realised, I don't give a crap. I like Glee! I like Rachel, actually fuck that, I LOVE Rachel!
I have grown alongside Glee, from secondary school, where Alice and I would discuss the previous episode instead of doing Gym, to morning Cory Montheith's death in the episode "The Quarterback" which weirdly enough aired around the same time of Alice's passing. When the Gleek's left high school and moved into University/College, I shortly followed. Glee has always been supporting my life in a weird way.

I know its cheesy, and we all say that in real life, no one just breaks into song, but in my life we sort of actually do, like not everyday and just to start grooving, but like sometimes in the mac room, we'll all be stressed out and working and then Zoe will put on some tunes and we'll start singing like we're in Lima at Mckinley high! Or sometimes I'll look at Philip and we'll break into a bit of Iggy, or you know you sing how you feel instead of saying it.

But Glee helped me to think of how others must be feeling, how scared and frustrated we can all feel. Sometimes we get so caught up in our own lives we don't realise others are struggling too, more so than we are. Glee taught me to think how hard it must be to come out to your family, to realise you're pregnant at 16, or to be handicapped. But at the same time, there's all sorts of characters, to represent all cliques, to show us it's not just the unpopular kids who struggle, that there's not just the sad crowd and happy group. We all hurt, we all have our own shit. Sometimes we need to unite and help one another like the kids on glee, remember how Sam had to be a stripper because his family lost all their money? The gleeks got together bought back his guitar and brought him back to school and found him a job! Okay so maybe you don't have a friend in a similar situation, but do you know someone who is in need? How can you make their day just a little bit better?

But most of all Glee taught me to fuck what others think! I am me, I love me, I'm not going to bring others down because they aren't me, yet I'm not going to be put down for being me. I thought of all the things I have said or thought about someone, why did I do those things? Society encourages us to, we have our cliques, if you don't fit in, you're an outcast, it's our duty to mock you and make you feel shit enough until you conform. NO. Glee shows us we can all be painstakingly annoying, but we all have our own unique good traits which makes us, us!

Glee was a harmless show that showed us how cruel society can be, but also how amazing it is at the same time, It perfectly showcases the harsh realities of the modern youth, yet how we overcome them as a united force.

I followed the story of Rachel religiously, saving up episodes just to watch them in bulk, I thought if she could overcome all this shit, I could deal with my own. I suppose I sympathised with her character especially after Finn's death, I felt she was portraying or voicing out the emotions I was so desperately trying to conceal. Watching her move on as I moved on made me feel much less guilty, yet when I still missed Al and had times where I just wanted to cry all over again, I felt relieved when I saw her character expressed that too.
But Glee also helped me to learn and acknowledge signs of weakness, so when I saw them in my friends I could help them before it was too late. Glee was very much a learning curb for me, it was as much of an education as those philosophy lessons we had in school.

I know people mock Glee, and call it cliche, and personally I can't watch the first season (cringes me out to see some of the old characters and their noob mistakes), but Glee was great, I mean it had 6 full seasons! But the original cast were the bomb, the 2nd cast were kinda cringy and boring, and the 3rd cast we didn't have long enough to get to know them, but I liked how we saw that all these people have their own stories, which we got to explore.
I will miss Glee, I'll miss Rachel, but I guess we've learnt all we can from Glee, we've seen the characters go through so much to get where they are, and it ended just perfectly. I seriously recommend watching the last season of Glee, you may not get it if you haven't watched the previous seasons (I think I missed season 4) but there are some serious topics in there that are worth thinking about, and some lighthearted stuff that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside.
As much as I don't want to say goodbye to Glee, I have to, but it's not really goodbye, its more of a see you later, afterall..... I do have netflix ;P
Thank you for everything Glee, see you in 10 minutes as I watch the whole show from scratch again. 

Monday 16 March 2015

The Sex Talk

Hey Milkshakes,

So I realised some of my more popular blog posts were on sex/relationships... So I decided to give the topic another go and see where it would lead me.

Lisa is a 19 year old virgin, now for some of you this may be crazy and for some its no big deal.
For the good half of last year I was so freaked out by being an 18 turning 19 year old virgin, but sex and commitment freaked me out even more. I kept questioning myself, is there something wrong with me? Why don't I want to be in a relationship to the extent I actually run away from the boy! In fact, a little inside information, I'm currently doing that right now, running from your problems is a skill I tell you.

 But I think I know what it is now, I see myself as not a girl but not yet a woman, but I'm so happy in this state, that I don't want to leave it. Like an overdue baby ;p
I mean why would I want to commit myself to one guy, have to spend the majority of my time with him and listen to him whined on forever about going bald, and not be as friendly with my other guy friends! My ex used to always complain about the amount of time I spent with other guys, and that just pissed me off. I like being able to be friendly flirtly, to have skinship, I like being able to kiss whoever and not feel bad about it!

My friend Cam wrote in his blog, that in today's society we feel the need to be in a relationship. He's totally right, in my first term of uni and over Christmas break I felt like it was vital to be part of a couple, to be an 'item' with someone. But now I can so clearly say, that I'm happy being me, I don't need some guy to make me complete, i'm not a damsel in distress... Well okay that's a lie, i'm a complete stereotypical damsel in distress, but I don't need some prince to come rescue me, I have my own squad of knights in my friends.

But after that speech on independence and not needing a guy, I have been seeing some guys over the past year, you'll know from my previous blog post The Confessions of a Loser In Love that I have had a sort of past, but literally since about the last couple of months of 2014 and up and continuing now, my love life suddenly bloomed. It's crazy! So maybe I'm not the best person to give that speech.
However if you read my posts you'll know I've seen some guys recently, and 1 or 2 of them were slightly pressuring me into that (sexual)direction, but I knew I wasn't ready then and I think they understood that... or came to understand it. It was still awkward though, but in fact the first guy I did start have thoughts about giving it up to, well i'm so glad I didn't, he turned out to be an immature arsehole who you can't have a serious conversation with, without him singing down the phone to provoke you, or starting fights with your friends. Stick to your guns and pick the right person for you! You don't want to look back with regrets, be like me and look back with relief!

But this term I've come to realize, I shouldn't force myself into things i'm not comfortable with, so what if i'm not ready, one day I will be, that may be in a years time or who knows maybe even tomorrow... You can betcha your ass I'll blog about it though!

 I know soon enough, I'm going to have my cherry popped, but I would rather be comfortable and ready for that time,  and not have the memory be some thing that sends shivers of distress down my spine which most of my friends have. I want it to be with someone I care about, not someone I have half hearted feelings for.

Sorry this isn't very Kawaii, but I suppose I could put a spin on it. Does being 'kawaii' mean we have to stay innocent and pure? Also wtf is this sexual obsession with taking away a girls virginity? Like once you take it, what are you going to do? Ditch her after you've made her fall in love with ya? Not cool. But that's another topic for another day.

Stay kawaii Milkshakes. x

Saturday 14 March 2015

Bring me a Pina Colada!

Good Morning my little Moondrops!

"Treasure, that is what you are! You're my golden star!"

I'm writing this blog post at 10pm, the reason? Well the OTM is hosting a 'Vintage' themed party! This is like a dream come true for Philip, but me and my main girl Zoe are getting super into it too! So we're allowed to dressed from the 60's, 70's and 80's. Zo is going as 80's, the time of Madonna and Grease, where Pineapple was big and crazy hair was everywhere. Neon splashes are a must and leg warmers are a plus.
But I decided to go as the 70's, where the fashion world was becoming much more dangerous, the 60's allowed us to shorten our skirts but the 70's are where the hemlines are really lifted. Now for someone as, shall we be nice and say innocent, as I, I always find it fun to dress the complete opposite of my persona, also due to my height, no matter what length the dress is, I always manage to make it look short. So after some quick google searches I decided BIG CRAZY CURLS, a short black check dress and knee high boots. Photos will be taken drunkenly tonight and uploaded tomorrow, which as your reading this, will be right now!

The clothes were easy enough, but I had no idea what makeup was like in the 70's and if I could get away with wearing a bright blue eyeshadow without looking like a complete mug. I decided against that iconic blue eye shadow  and decided that the heavy winged eyeliner would suffice. Then it was onto the lips, in my research I found no traces of a red lipstick, instead I found soft pinks and peaches, but I decided I would put my own personal touch to the look and use the brightest red I own, which is the LimeCrime Velvetines' Red Velvet. A simply gorgeous stand out matte lipstick which is a definite killer. I did nothing crazy for my complexion, just my simple everyday primer and foundation and contouring, I think contouring was big in the 70's.

All in all, I think my look was good for the night, but rather disappointingly, I had more fun getting ready, than actually at the party. I mean it's always good to see your friends but I didn't pre so I was running on empty fuel and I had no one to top up the tank with! On top of that I knew none of the music, and when I was on the dance floor, literally it was Zoe and I and 3 other people. The new LED dance floor is wicked cool though. But imagine that! You and 4 others, dancing to music that seemed to have no beat, the outcome was embarrassing, my mind was just a mix of "what the fuck do I do? How do I dance to this? Do I look as stupid as that woman?"

Maybe I should have stayed longer, dear Zoe told me the party did pick up its pace, but for me when the clock struck 2am, and the party was still mellow, I just gave up. So I walked back home, feeling at loss with myself, climbed into bed and I was out like a light.

Such a sad Friday night, I did not get down on Friday, Rebecca Black would be ashamed. I can hear her robotic voice now.

Friday 6 March 2015

My Sexual Awakening, 50 shades of Blushing.

Hey TeaPots,
Hope you're all feeling jolly and well!

Today's post is on the almighty topic of sex. Now sex is a very prominent culture in our society, with music videos flooded with topless women (thanks Blurred Lines) and films showcasing graphic sex scenes, Lisa (yes, I refer to myself in the third person) has been forced to acknowledge that sex will very much become a feature of her life.

So with this in mind, I decided to do it. I would brave out 50 Shades of Grey.
Now to you, this may be nothing that big, but bearing in mind, I am a virgin who has never seen a sex scene let alone porn, this was going to be a very big step for me.
I called the best friend up and made plans. It would be done on Wednesday evening, the last orange Wednesday day to be specific. We would go for dinner first, make small talk. Then we would go to the cinema and the deed would be done.
She was nervous too, if not more so than me. She was worried about what 50 shades would do to me. In fact that was a concern for most of my friends, what would happen to innocent Lisa? Would she suddenly become a sex crazed freak? Would she be so totally freaked out that she would swear off sex forever?!
Oh no my friends, oh no.
This is what happened to me. I was bored at the beginning, cringing at the way Anastasia asked questions like noob. I was uncomfortable, cringed out, and worse, there were no sex scenes yet.
The story progresses, he shows her his red room, I'm grossed out to say the least, what is that! what the fuck!!!! Is what I think as she wanders around the room she would spend a few months in. She tells him she's a virgin, ahhhhhhh Lisa can relate. Then all of a sudden they're doing it!!!!
Now for my first ever sex scene, the first thought that comes to mind was "why are your legs so hairy!" Lisa hates body hair, sorry Anastasia girl, you have lovely hip bones though <3
The whole thing wasn't so bad, I won't lie to you, I was peeping through my hands, to watch it full on, seemed too invasive.
I was okay though, It was right up until the end, I was doing great. I felt slightly uncomfortable watching it, but not repulsed. I was bewildered at the whole "why won't you sleep in the bed" ordeal though, I mean I'm sure there's some big psychological explanation for it, but to be honest, I didn't understand why she wanted him to sleep next to her so badly if they were just having sex, and why he was so adamant on being all "No! No getting to know me! But come meet my family" palava. I found Grey immensely dis-likable.
It was then it happened. She asked him to show her a "real punishment". So he did, 3rd whip in she was crying, and so was I. Yes you read correctly, I cried, no shame here. I mean what the actual fuck, she was obviously in pain and she was not pleased by it, what in the name of Chanel, do you think you're doing. Arsehole.
The film ends with them doing the whole whispering of names and then the screen goes blank,just like my mind for about 10 seconds, Zo, my bffl, and I look at each other, stunned until we both crack at the same time in a burst of rage as garbled rambling of two infuriated girls echo across the cinema. WE WERE NOT IMPRESSED. Zoe claiming to never watch the other films, and me claiming I would read up on the books and get the middle of this shit.
I have now bought the first book.

Now Lisa understands, everything she has complained about has meaning, also theres nothing wrong with having fuzzy legs, but Lisa left English literature behind at A LEVEL. So please, spare me the essay, I don't fuck with you... unlike Ana and Christian >.<