I really got into Lana this summer, I was young and carefree, festivaling it up in Spain and then tanning on a beach to then go karting in the evening. This album is amazing to listen to, especially whilst going down an empty fast lane at night with the roof of the car down. You feel free, reckless and invincible.... Yet you still remain vulnerable, as if it could all end tomorrow, but in that moment nothing can touch you.
"Born to Die"
I did, I was instantly caught by the music, the sudden change in sound, and then Lana's voice drawls out
"Feet don't fail me now
Take me to the finish line
Oh my heart it breaks every step that I take
But I’m hoping at the gates,
They’ll tell me that you’re mine"
Her sound is so relaxed and easy, it just makes you want to sit back and look at the sky and appreciate the beauty around you and the people in your life.
I can see but once I was blind
I was so confused as a little child
Trying to take what I could get
Scared that I couldn't find
All the answers honey"
I think every Teen out there will be able to relate to this verse, we've all felt lost and confused, it's a natural feeling, but sometimes you're too scared to talk about it, so music is a good way to get that all out of your system, rather than being forced into sharing something you feel vulnerable about, you can listen to her and realize you're not the only one, it makes you feel more at ease with yourself. If you've had your heartbroken, lost someone or even did badly in an exam then music can be your comfort, a safe haven where you can drift off into another world.
"Blue Jeans"
You were sorta punk rock, I grew up on hip hop
But you fit me better than my favourite sweater, and I know
That love is mean, and love hurts
But I still remember that day we met in December, oh baby!"
Baby can you see through the tears
Love you more
Than those bitches before"
Lets be honest here, we all love it when our favorite songs have a little bit of swearing in, mainly because we think that it makes us look "bad ass", when you're with your friends singing along a little drunk if there's a line, we can all relate to, that has a killer beat and a cuss in there, you know you'll sing that line a little louder and laugh it off with your mates, and the older generation looks your way and shakes their head all disgruntled. Fucking love it.
Blue jeans ends on "I will love you 'til the end of time", because lets face it, we all crave love, and we'll go to all extremes to convince ourselves that we've found the one. When lets be honest he/she is actually your 101th.
"National Anthem"
National anthem actually followed me all the way to university, in fact I still play this song with Philip and when I'm in the gym. I was for a while, addicted to the music video of this song, its based on the Kennedy assassination and after watching this mv about 10 times straight I actually went on some huge research into the Kennedy's.
But yeah so the first memory I have of this song is being on a bus on my way to go clubbing in Piccadilly. It was around 11 pm, we had had our prinks at home and in a pub, so needless to say we were quite tipsy, there were about 15 of us, most of which were 6ft tall boys who were bellowing out to Lana Del Ray, whilst sober they would deny any reaction to her music, but that night we were singing our hearts out. The bus driver stopped the bus twice to tell us to be quieter, because there was a middle age man on the bus who kept complaining, so the boys would begin giggling and shushing each other, as soon as he got off the boys started up again. It was one of the funniest moments of my life, seeing your friends slurring out that:
"Money is the anthem
Of success
So before we go out
What's your address?"
It completed me. Thank you for the memories boys.
But the song, again easily relatable, "He says be cool, but I don't know how yet" all of us have these worries, "ohhh how do I act around him bla bla bla", if you're one of those people right now, take my advice, act yourself, if he wants to change you, he's not worth it. Shouldn't s/he love you for who you are?"God, you're so handsome
Take me to the Hamptons
Bugatti Veyron"
But again I love the honesty of this song, cause completely honest here, if you're good looking and rich then you're considered a full on 10/10. You're a little more attractive if you have money, just look at all them hook up sites, such as sugar daddies/mama's. We live in a materialistic world, as Madonna will let you know.
Coming to university, I found myself in Hailsham one night with the two Alex's and Umay, they played this song and it was that moment where I was like "you know, I'm going to be fine here."
I think I've babbled on too much tonight, but check out Lana Del Rey! Oh and not all my friends are druggies I promise you, and neither am I!
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